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"There's no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one."

-Jill Churchill

The process of bringing a child into the world is a momentous event that is both beautiful and overwhelming. Becoming a mother represents the beginning of a new phase in a person's life. A moment where they are challenged with nurturing and raising a child while at the same time attempting to integrate this new identity as a parent who they were prior.


This transition is often a tumultuous one that can lead to feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Using a cognitive behavioral approach, relief from these symptoms is possible! There are also at-home visits and online sessions available to meet the unique needs of new mothers.

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phone: 310-954-2002
address: 324 S. Beverly Blvd
Beverly Hills, 90212

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© 2019 by Kelli Rugless, Psy.D.

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